Thursday, April 2, 2009

"Just as you may have suspected, Hell is a shopping mall." :)

I went to Psyche Project because I knew people in our class were in it, but I was a little wary because I never studied mythology in much detail during school. So if you're thinking about seeing it but do not want to because you know little about mythology, just see it anyway, it's hilarious and you will understand the language.

I liked how Psyche's counting the grain, retrieving the golden wool and going to hell represented the everyday maintenance that people do to retain their relationships. I didn't realize until the post-play discussion that this was the idea behind those actions, but it makes sense now, this is all about love and making it work.

I never understood why it was such an awful thing for Psyche to know that Eros was a God, but upon Wikipedia-ing the story, it looks like there's no reason, and it doesn't matter much why--Eros makes her promise not to see his face, and she betrays him.

And when she counts the popcorn (separates the grain,) who helps her? I understand in the original story it was ants, but I can't recall who helped her in the play. I thought it was the voice of eros, who gave her larger popcorn bowls. I'm confused.

Were we supposed to eat that? :)

The image of Anxiety and Doubt (and maybe Fear and another?) hovering around Psyche stuck with me. To see these feelings personified and doing what they do best--taunting--reminded me of people's bodily insecurities but also of the inner editor writers have. Those things were scary! Just like in real life.

And it didn't occur to me until now, but the Gods bargaining with Zeus was an interesting scene, because I think of the Gods as working together, but if I knew much about mythology, I'm guessing I would know that Zeus rules over them all?

And the actress who played the Oracle was a riot! I loved the whole "this is 200 proof beauty" bit, it really caught me off guard.

*Spoilers here*

And lastly, I wonder how it must have felt to play Eros at the very end and to have the whole audience angry at you. Seems very daunting. I was disappointed by the ending, but when it was explained after the play, it made sense to me. I know I would have walked away contented and not thinking about the message had Psyche and Eros been reunited.

And like someone in the audience said, I do think it was more Eros' fault than Psyche's for her demise. He just sat there and pined and "bled" for her while his mother put her through ridiculous paces. And the only reason in my mind that she opened the box was to ensure that when she saw Eros next, he would still love her. She was accustomed to being loved for her beauty, she felt it was her only "trick."

Also--I see why the box of beauty and golden wool would directly benefit Venus, because both make her more beautiful, but why did Venus ask Psyche to separate the grain? Was it just a first effort to get her to go away, because she couldn't think of any beauty-related task to give her?

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