Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bryan's Mickey

I took notes during class, listening to the discussion of Bryan's play.  I remembered one comment, that his play was reminiscent of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, which I forgot about until I got to the last pages of the play.  Then I realized that that was a very spot on comparison.  I like the setup of this and the whole Willy Wonka premise, the surprise tests to sees who is the best fit and all that.  I think you can really expand upon this.  

Maybe you could show little scenes of Dewey and Maverick before the audition.  That way we can get more of a backstory to these guys.  At this point they seem pretty one dimensional, with Maverick being the antagonist to the good guy Mickey.  Seeing more of them at the beginning will help build the story and raise the stakes for these two characters, as well as divert the attention from Mickey so that we don't suspect he gets the part at the end.  Even if you want to keep Maverick as a straight antagonistic figure, you could make us dislike him before the audition.

I was wondering about the significance of scene 3 ending with the three men delivering the monologue in unison?  Repeating such a long monologue, and with overlapping voices, at the end of the scene seems such a big move and I can't decipher it.

I was confused about the layout of the audition room.  I thought it said it was one big room and the receptionist and the other people auditioning are on the other side.  So can they hear what's going on over there?  Is it split stage?  

Maybe Maverick can dig himself a deeper hole and make more of an ass of himself before Mr. Baron jumps in to end it.  Build it up more for a bigger payoff.  

I also thought the snickering of Mr. Baron and Tracy during Maverick's audition gave away too much too soon.  

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