Monday, March 23, 2009

This long play nonsense.

My expansion of my ten minute play is bringing me more grief than joy.

Celso, I'd be okay with you saying "I told you so."  It's cool.  I now understand what you were saying.

It's just, I had four distinct scenes that I knew were going into it, and I chose ONE to put in the short play.  Over the break, I've split the four up, writing them separately, trying to make them good enough to stand on their own before they all get squished together.... and I think I achieved that- each, on their own, are fine.

Putting them together to make one play is possibly the most aggravating task I have ever undertaken.  I sit at my computer, and try to fill in the spaces between each scene, TRY to make it cohesive and exactly what I had envisioned, however, I end up deleting a TON of material, only to re-add it, change the words up slightly, delete it again, add something totally different, delete it, plug the original back in.... and it JUST NEVER ENDS.  I do this every single day, and feel like I'm not getting any closer to the end, to a polished product that I can throw up in the air and have it puff into multicolored glitter that I can dance under.

I can't wait to get back to class and have the perspective of everyone else in my group again.  I think it will help SO much, and make me feel less like I want to form a rope out of printer paper and strangle myself.

1 comment:

  1. At this point I'm asking myself if you do need to write connecting bits to make your stand-alone scenes a cohesive whole. Don't they work as four different moments in the same story? I'd have to read them to be sure, but I'm guessing presenting them in linear succession might be enough, and maybe even the best solution, in a "less is more" kind of way.

    Other than that, it serves you right to suffer for trying to mess around with something good, Julia. Hope you've learned your lesson: don't cross your Muse, 'cause it's hubris. As every Greek soldier knows, that never ends well.
